NOL - Arnauld van der Donck,
peintre – dessinateur.
aux Pays Bas en 1945, il se lance en autodidacte dans la «peinture
nomade», à travers l'Afrique occidentale, exposant à Niamey,
Abidjan, Dakar et Lomé de 1969 à 1973. Ensuite il s'installe en
France, dans la région
de Grenoble et vit et travaille depuis 1985 près de Jonzac, entre
Bordeaux et Cognac.-
Artiste peintre :
expositions personnelles et collectives, commandes publiques et
privées, peintures murales, peintures sur vitre et décorations
Dessinateur : dessin
d'humour dans diverses publications et la presse régionale,
illustration, communication graphique et dessin en direct.-
Enseignant : cours
d'arts plastiques du second degré et intervenant dans les animations
artistiques et culturelles de l’Éducation
Nationale, œuvres collectives, ateliers, excursions etc.-
Animateur : autres
activités artistiques,
ateliers d'art, stages,
concours, expositions,
interventions événementielles
et échanges internationaux. Président de «Humour & Vigne»*
(Festival international du dessin
- Arnauld van der Donck
painter - cartoonist.
Born in the Netherlands in 1945, he began as a self taught "nomadic painter" through West Africa, exhibiting in Niamey, Abidjan, Dakar and Lomé from 1969 to 1973.
Then he moved to France in the region of Grenoble and since 1985, lives and works near Jonzac, between Bordeaux and Cognac.
- Painter: personal and collective exhibitions, public and private orders, murals and window decorations.
- Cartoonist : publishing in various magazines and regional newspapers, illustrations, graphic art and life drawing sessions.
- Teacher: visual art classes for the second degree and conducting artistic and cultural activities of the Department of Education, collective works, workshops, excursions and so on.
- Organizer : other artistic activities, art-workshops, painting classes, contests, exhibitions, events, performances and international exchanges. President of "Humour & Vigne" * (International cartoon festival).
painter - cartoonist.
Born in the Netherlands in 1945, he began as a self taught "nomadic painter" through West Africa, exhibiting in Niamey, Abidjan, Dakar and Lomé from 1969 to 1973.
Then he moved to France in the region of Grenoble and since 1985, lives and works near Jonzac, between Bordeaux and Cognac.
- Painter: personal and collective exhibitions, public and private orders, murals and window decorations.
- Cartoonist : publishing in various magazines and regional newspapers, illustrations, graphic art and life drawing sessions.
- Teacher: visual art classes for the second degree and conducting artistic and cultural activities of the Department of Education, collective works, workshops, excursions and so on.
- Organizer : other artistic activities, art-workshops, painting classes, contests, exhibitions, events, performances and international exchanges. President of "Humour & Vigne" * (International cartoon festival).
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